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The Data Productivity Cloud Delivers Five New Features to Get Your Data Business-Ready

  It's no question that data is becoming increasingly essential to organizational performance – in all industries. And the more people in your organization who can analyze, understand, and use your data, the more successful you're likely to be.  For this to happen though, people need to have access to your data from the start, and that's a process that is generally messy, time-consuming, and often wildly inefficient. At Matillion, helping to make data business-ready more easily and more quickly is what drives us. It's the sole reason we designed our Data Productivity Cloud, to remove complexity and help your data teams do more. And, the good news is, it works. Clients like Citrix have reduced their data workflow development and maintenance efforts by 50%. And we were able to help TUI deliver its first business results in just two days.  But this is an ongoing process. We're always looking for ways to improve what we do –and we've been working on several updates, upgrades, and additions to make your life even easier.  In a recent keynote, I unveiled the new features helping us to do just that. Here are some of the highlights.   

Bring everything together with new connectors

In modern organizations, data comes from a wide range of sources, from Salesforce and ServiceNow to Workday and beyond. The positive of this is that you invariably have lots to work with when it comes to mining for insights. The downside is that this kind of landscape can be inherently complex, making data extremely difficult to extract  For most data teams, it often requires several APIs just to get all of the required attributes into a data warehouse. And even then, that data is fragmented and needs to be stitched back together to form a cohesive model – the Humpty Dumpty of data, if you will.  At Matillion, we've been working on making this entire process easier. The result is new enterprise connectors within Matillion Data Loader for SAP, Workday, and Anaplan. These connectors can pull data from these platforms in a single click, doing all the heavy lifting for you – so you can focus on uncovering the insights that make a difference to your business.  But it doesn't end there. We're also supporting more output connectors to improve reverse ETL capabilities and help you get data and insights produced through exploration back into the business. Connectors for SAP, Anaplan, and Workday will be coming next year.

Embrace Universal Connectivity 

It's not uncommon for today's businesses to use hundreds of different SaaS platforms. And any solution you use will contain valuable data, so it's vital that you're able to connect it. Here at Matillion, we've always been known for the quality of our connectivity, and we're constantly looking for new ways to make it easier to connect platforms and data. The latest innovation in this area is our Universal Connectivity solution. This tool makes it possible for any developer to map out a new API and publish a connector for it in a few simple clicks – all with the help of an easy-to-follow wizard. It's so effortless that pretty much anyone can do it, and it instantly removes the anxiety you may feel when you don't have a connector for one of your systems. You can even freely share and download connectors with others on the Matillion Exchange.  Learn more about Universal Connectivity

Observability dashboard: Gain a bird's-eye view of your Matillion platform

Like everything in life, some data projects can be relatively simple. Until the moment they're not. As data projects scale, problems tend to scale with them, and it can be easy to find yourself spending huge amounts of time trying to figure out where issues are occurring and what's causing them. To do this efficiently and effectively, you need a complete view of all your data pipelines, runs, and execution statuses. So, it made sense to us to put all of this in one place. That's why we've designed a new cloud-based observability platform that will provide a one-stop shop for all of this information. To learn more about this feature, you can check out the dedicated breakout session, here

Enjoy seamless, serverless scalability with Unlimited Scale

Productivity isn't just about visibility, though. Scalability is essential to any ambitious organization. But why do the things that work on small batch data so often become problematic when you apply them to gigabytes or even petabytes of data?  In theory, the cloud should do away with this problem. You should be able to scale at the push of a button, and we've made sure you now can.  Our new Unlimited Scale capability does exactly what it says, bringing unlimited scalability to your existing Matillion ETL deployments. This means you can run any size workload at the click of a button – all while maintaining data security and sovereignty, and keeping costs low. Want to learn more? We have a dedicated breakout session for this, too. 

Work your own way with code-optional workflows

Another vital element of ensuring data productivity is allowing everyone in your teams to work how they want to work, not scrambling to learn new tools or programming languages because it's all you can accommodate.  To this end, Matillion supports Python and SQL along with Low-Code workflows, side by side, on the same platform. In fact, we want to support as many coding frameworks as possible so we can ensure everybody on the team can be at their most productive. That's why we've also added support for code written in DBT and Spark notebooks within Matillion ETL.  Code-level control made easy with Matillion. Watch video.

See what the Data Productivity Cloud can do for your ELT workloads

It's our goal at Matillion to keep improving our offering and to make it easier than ever for you to do more with your data. And these new features are just the tip of the iceberg. Our full keynote video, available here, contains additional details, including a rundown of our new integrations with Snowflake Data Cloud, and the new security and transparency features that will keep your data safe.  To learn more about any of these features, and to be one of the first to take advantage, reach out to your Matillion customer relation manager at any time. Not yet a Matillion customer? Start your free trial today

Andreu Pintado
Andreu Pintado