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International Womens Day 2024

As we celebrate International Women's Day, it's crucial to honor and acknowledge the invaluable contributions of women who have shattered barriers and paved the way for a more diverse and inclusive society. Their stories inspire us, showing us what is possible when determination meets opportunity. Through advocacy, mentorship, and fostering networking opportunities, these efforts empower women to excel in their careers, actively contributing to creating a more inclusive and innovative landscape.

To celebrate and commemorate the women of Matillion, we want you to hear their insights and experiences: 

Meet Sook Meng Muk, Vice President of Engineering

Did you always know that you wanted to be an engineer?

My interest in engineering started when I was very young and my dad returned with an Apple computer, my very first computer. I remember doing the Apple programming for kids where you had to basically ask the person, What sort of pizza do you want? What sort of topping do you want? And then in the end, you sort of go like, “Oh, was this the pizza you wanted and ordered? Well, this is the total cost”. I really enjoyed making this program, especially as mathematics was my favorite subject. I was always doing a lot of logic puzzles, jigsaw puzzles, and chess, so it was definitely geared towards these engineering-like challenges from the get-go.

What is your experience of being a leader as a woman?

What I've learned from being a leader in this space, is because there are so few women in this area, we need to be allies with each other. It's essential to build that relationship because we have the same understanding of challenges, backgrounds, and similar scenarios that we've all gone through. Especially when thinking about behavior, asking questions like: Am I being too aggressive? I say this, in a meeting does that mean I’m being too meek? Am I not being assertive enough? It’s about finding balance and the right behavior to exhibit in some of these leadership sessions. But it's always difficult to get your voice at the table because if you don't have your voice out there, you will never get a seat at the table. I think that's the challenge for many women in leadership is trying to figure out how do you get that voice out there.

Meet Anna McCartain, Associate Software Engineer 

What is your role, and what inspired you to pursue it?

I currently work as an associate backend software engineer in our integrations pod. My work involves the implementation of the connectors used across the DPC. Although I love working in software right now, I am interested in lots of areas in computer science and want to experiment with working in a variety of them, including AI, & advanced graphics (AR/VR) to name a few. I was a late discoverer of computer science but was mainly inspired by its intersection of creative and scientific fields, marrying my 2 passions. The field is very aggressive in its development which makes it exciting to work in.

Can you discuss any challenges you've faced as a woman in your industry, and how you've overcome them?

In terms of challenges I’ve faced, I have definitely had my fair share of imposter syndrome which I think can be amplified as a woman. I have had to push myself to be more confident in my skills and speak my mind in meetings. Luckily I have a very supportive team who has helped me achieve this.

Meet Kimberly Trull, Senior Director, Legal

What inspired you to pursue your current role or career path? 

I was inspired to pursue the role of Head of Legal here at Matillion because I wanted to influence change and help drive the business forward through a top leadership position within a fast-paced company in the technology space. My interest in legal came from the intellectual challenges of being a lawyer and the opportunity the job provides to solve complex issues.

What are the challenges you've faced as a woman in your industry, and how did you overcome them?

The technology space is still very much a male dominated industry.  It can be difficult to get a seat at the table, and even then, you sometimes find that your ideas are not attributed back to yourself.  I take the approach that the majority of people act in good faith, so when I see one of my shared ideas being used, I will thank the individual for having confidence in something that I propose.  The company, task driver, and myself all benefit and receive recognition when the idea is implemented.  It’s a win-win-win.

Kathy O'Neil, Senior Director, Customer and Partner Marketing Programs

What inspired you to pursue your current role or career path?

I've always loved science and have a background in biology, which has definitely inspired me to go into tech marketing. However, my interest has always been more Renaissance (e.g., what can people do with this science or technology? What problems does it solve?) than empirical one (e.g., "X will increase the surface area of a cell by Y% under Z conditions). Working in tech marketing allows me to help people solve problems, do new/cool things, be more productive, and use science and technology, which I am excited about. Since science and technology is always advancing, there's always something new to inspire me to keep doing what I do.

What advice would you give to other women aspiring to succeed in your field?

Some advice I’d give to those aspiring to be in tech is figure out what your story is (e.g., what are your values, how are you different, what's your superpower) and get really good at telling it. Continuously improve this narrative as you progress in your career, develop new skills, and acquire new experiences.  As you take on new projects or pursue new experiences, consider how they contribute to your narrative.  And always be ready to deliver your pitch because you never know when an opportunity will present itself.

As International Women's Day concludes, we celebrate the resilience and achievements of women worldwide, including those at Matillion. From engineering to legal and marketing, their stories inspire us. While today marks a special occasion, let's remember that celebrating women's accomplishments should continue year-round. Despite challenges, these women embody leadership and innovation, highlighting the importance of ongoing support and advocacy for gender equality in the tech industry and beyond.

Join us for our upcoming Women in Tech Webinar this April 2024 to hear inspiring stories from some of the brilliant women at Matillion. Register today and celebrate International Women's Day with us!